This article will walk you through each column in our contact template to ensure a smooth and accurate bulk upload process. By following this guide, you will be able to correctly fill out each required and optional field, minimizing errors and ensuring all necessary information is included.
1. Contact Type column (Required) :
- Select the type of contact. Options include Property Owner, Property Manager, Tenant, Occupant, Service Pro, Landlord, and Vendor.
2. First Name, Last Name, and Company columns (Required; with conditions) :
- Enter the contact's name and associated company.
- NOTE: If there’s NO company name, both the First Name and Last Name columns MUST be filled out. If there is a company name, you can fill out either just the First Name or Last Name, but make sure to set "Yes" in the "Show as Company" column.
3. Show as Company column (Optional) :
- Enter either Yes or No (default: No). Setting this to Yes displays the Company name instead of the First and Last name in the system.
- NOTE: Make sure the Company column is filled if you entered Yes.
4. Email column (Optional) :
- Used to send invitations to the contact/user.
- NOTE: Each email must be unique and cannot be shared across multiple contacts. Using the same email to two or more contacts will cause error.
5. Phone Number column (Optional) :
- Enter the contact’s phone number.
- NOTE: For non-US numbers, include the country code. If the plus (+) sign disappears when typing in the cell, add a single quote (') before the plus sign to store it as text.
6. Phone Type column (Required if Phone Number is filled) :
- Specify the type of number provided. Options include Home, Mobile, Work, or Fax.
7. Address Line, Address City, Address State, Address ZipCode, and Country columns (Optional) :
- Enter the contact’s MAILING address not the property address they own/rent (unless it is their mailing address as well).
- NOTE: These fields are optional, but if one is filled out, all must be completed.
8. Emergency Contact column (Optional) :
- Enter a name or email of a contact that already exists in your ManageCasa account.
9. Auto Invite column (Optional) :
- This determines whether the system automatically invites the contact to join and use ManageCasa. By default, this is set to Yes. You can leave this blank if no email address is provided. We recommend to set this to "No" if you do not want to send out invitations right away.
10. Alt Phone Number and Alt Phone Type columns (Optional) :
- Provide an alternative phone number for the contact. If you fill out the Alt Phone Number, you must also specify the Alt Phone Type.
If you have any further questions about the contact template or the bulk uploading process, please visit our Bulk Upload Contacts: FAQs for additional information and support. And for any further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.
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