In case residents do not follow community rules, ManageCasa lets you comfortably manage such violations.
Here a brief video on how this works:
An administrator or any role who has the authorization to file a violation ticket, you can easily create a violation ticket for a predefined category, with a detailed description of the violation, add photos, assign it to a property and a user.
In settings, an administrator may allow other community members to file a new violation ticket. This is optional.
You can send a violation email or letter (see Communication Templates), communicate with other stakeholders about the issue, update the status and close out the ticket once the problem has been remedied.
In order for the user to see the Violation, the person who creates the violation, needs to Share the ticket with the resident.
Also, in case you do not see the Violation feature in your application menu, your administrator needs to turn on the use of this feature in the Account Settings.
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