Valentines day is almost here and we love our customers. Our developers have been really busy recently working on the latest improvements to the application. We're also preparing a really exciting release for our Property Mangers. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement in about a week.
With today's release, we're focused on a bunch of behind the scenes updates and some application updates to make life more enjoyable.
- We've updated permissions for Property Owners on their property page to make things clearer and less confusing.
- When a lease was attached to a unit within in Multi-unit building, it was not always showing up. This has been fixed.
- Added the ability to specify a Property when creating a credit on a user. That way the credit will show both on the contact's ledger and the Property Ledger
- Updated the Income Report to properly reflect Chart of Accounts that are used as both an Income and Expense. We allocate the correct amounts now into Income and/or Expense based on the type of transaction
- Fixed an issue where the header/footer wasn't always being displayed for Templates
- Updated the epayment report
- We updated a number of issues around users who had dual roles. Sometimes the permissions were getting mixed up between roles. We now restrict the permissions based on the current active role
- Fixed an issue where some Application Statuses were missing.
- Added a refresh to our cache to mark transactions past due quicker
- Added a prompt to our mobile app to fetch the latest version the next time we update the app
- If an evote has expired, an old email would route you to an unknown page. This has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue around public custom fields that are not editable when creating tickets.
- Added all roles to pick list for users in Templates
- Added a Preview for the Emails Manage section to see the text of the emails that are automatically sent out
- Fixed an issue where duplicate headers were being displayed on the property and contact ledger
- Fixed an issue when applying a payment on the contact details page
- Removed the option to upload files outside of the file browser. It didn't make sense to have it in the Shared, Deleted, or Favorites Tab
- Added a required marker for ProRated Rent that was missing
- Fixed the links for the Deposit help Video
- Fixed an issue where the widgets were not always updating when they were hidden.
- Fixed a number of errors that were being generated during runtime that our monitor caught
- Added support to Bulk Upload custom table data
- Updated Transaction Invoices to have the correct address
- When turning off Board members we restore their roles back to the original property owner role.
- Fixed an issue where users would not be able to "Save Results" if there was a custom date field in the results.
- Fixed a number of filters in the Maintenance, Violation and Architecture Reports.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases the recurring schedule was not being updated when property owners are changed on a property
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