ManageCasa allows you to apply credit to user charges. If a user has an opening balance and credit, you can manually apply this credit to charges in your accounting log.
Alternatively, if you want to automate this process, you can turn on the auto credit feature. This setting automatically applies available credits to new charges.
It's important to note that this automation applies only to charges made after the credit is created. For charges made before the credit was created, you'll still need to apply the credit manually.
How to enable "Auto Credit Transactions" setting
- Click on the gear icon in the left menu and select Settings
- Select Account Settings
- Click Show for the "General Settings" section
- Select On for Auto Credit Transactions
- Click Update to save your changes
Best practice recommendations
How do you manually apply a credit to an open invoice? This is a two step process of first increasing the credit balance, then manually applying the credit to individual payments. Note that the ‘Add Credit’ button is "hidden" behind ‘Record Payment’.
- Do not misuse credits to record overpayments! Note that credits do not appear in reconciliation! Instead use Bank Deposits to record overpayments.
- In case property ledger does not show the credit: remember to specifically select the property as well when adding a credit otherwise it will only show in contact ledger, not the property ledger.
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