The Communication Templates feature allows you to create standardized message templates that can be easily customized and used for various purposes. Whether you need to send important announcements, lease agreements, maintenance updates, or other communications, this feature enables you to save time and maintain consistency in your messaging.
With Communication Templates, you can:
- Customize Messages: Tailor each template to suit your specific communication needs. Add personalized details such as tenant names, property addresses, and important dates.
- Streamline Communication: With predefined templates, you can quickly create and send messages to multiple recipients in a few clicks. This feature eliminates the need to rewrite similar messages repeatedly, saving you valuable time and effort.
- Enhance Efficiency: By utilizing this feature, you can easily manage and organize your communication templates, making it convenient to access and update them whenever needed. This eliminates the hassle of searching for past communications or starting from scratch each time.
- Maintain Compliance: Our Communication Templates feature ensures that your communications meet legal and regulatory requirements. You can include necessary disclosures, terms, and conditions, ensuring all essential information is communicated effectively.
Watch this instruction Video:
Here are the steps to create your own templates:
- Click “Manage” on the left menu and then click on “Template”
- To create a new Template, Click on “Add” on the right side.
- Shortcuts to create a new template are embedded throughout the product. Pick a base template or start with a blank slate and click create. Depending on your role, different Base Templates will be available to start from.
Note that selecting a “Section” will determine what field variables will be available. For example, pick “Contacts” when you intend to use the template with variable contact fields.
You may want to leave “Section” blank in order to allow your new template to draw variables from multiple objects.
4. You will be provided with a customizable template where you can conveniently modify and adjust its format according to your preferences. Additionally, you have the option to effortlessly rearrange and organize items by simply dragging and dropping them from the right side of the menu.
5. Once you have entered all the necessary details, proceed by selecting the "Save Updates" or "Prepare to Send" button to store the changes or get ready to send the updated information.
6. During the process, you will be prompted to choose the "recipients" and the preferred "delivery method". To select individual recipients, click on the "Add" button and choose the desired recipients. Alternatively, if you wish to send the notice to all your applicants, you can simply click on "Select All" for a convenient and comprehensive delivery.
7. Once you hit the “send” button, depending on selected delivery method,
- A message will be sent to selected users within the ManageCasa application
- An email will be sent to all selected recipients
- A pdf document with letters to all selected recipients will be created and saved locally. You may print out this pdf document, separate the pages and send out letters to recipients.
How to use templates to communicate with people:
You can use templates from various objects in the application, for example Contact, Property, etc.
Depending on what delivery method you pick, the system may save your communication under the "Files" section.
For example:
- If you select "Save and Share to ManageCasa Cloud", the recipient will find the letter in their Files section.
- In the United States, if you select "Send via Real Mail (USPS)", your letters will be printed and sent via US Postal Services (fees apply)
- If you select "Print to local printer", the system saves all letters in ONE pdf file which can then be printed. The sender will see all the individual letters in their "Files" section. From there
You can check the file details and for example re-send it as an email.
When you want to have attachments printed in the RealMail scenario (printing and sending via USPS), please make sure to attach pdf files! Other file formats tend to create issues and may not be printed or properly printed.
Please remember to send messages from an account user, such as Admin, Property Manager or Board Member.
Homeowner or tenant accounts don't have the system privileges to send mass communication.
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