We try to provide a lot of information on how to use the ManageCasa system here in our Help Center.
However, these articles may not answer all of your questions. In that case we advise you to create a support ticket with our support team.
You don't need another ticket application, your email will do. All communication will be handled through your email account.
In order for our support team to process your tickets effectively, please follow a few guidelines:
New issue/question: create a ticket from the application or by sending the email to support@managecasa.com. Have a good subject line that includes the area of concern. The subject line becomes the name of the ticket. The better your subject line the easier it will be for you and for us to navigate your tickets.
In the email body, describe the issue as detailed as possible. Provide sufficient information for our support team to reproduce the issue in our test system. Add screenshots wherever possible.
Please note that every new email you send to support@managecasa.com generates a unique ticket in our ticketing system.
So respond to an existing email thread instead of creating a new email for an existing conversation/thread. -
Please use one email per issue! If you have multiple issues, please create multiple tickets as these may be worked by different specialists.
If you have a repeat issue, please don't send a new email as this creates a new ticket that we have to manually merge with the original ticket. Rather reply to an existing email thread that represent a specific ticket on the very topic. It will add your new message to the existing ticket.
You can see your tickets and their status when you log into on our ManageCasa Help Center, either directly from the ManageCasa application
or at www.help.managecasa.com.
Click on the symbol on the top right and select: "Support".
ManageCasa uses commercially reasonable efforts to provide our account holders remote technical and operational support and maintenance services during ManageCasa’s normal business hours in accordance with ManageCasa’s current support terms and conditions.
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