Every month, your property owners are charged for your services. Management fees along with any other expenses for the current statement period are deducted from the income you collect, and the remainder is distributed to the owner as an owner distribution record. If the expenses exceeded the amount of income for the month, an owner contribution needs to be created for the additional money owed to you.
Navigate to your owner agreement by doing the following:
- Click Manage in the left menu and select Property Management Terms
- Click anywhere on one of your agreements, and you will be brought to a detailed page for the agreement you clicked on
Manually creating Management fees
If you do not have the automation turned on for management fees, you will need to manually create the management fee for your property owner.
- Click on the "Preview Statement" tab
- Click on the blue Apply button and select Management Fees
- Fill out the required information and click Charge Fee
The amount will be based off of the terms set in the owner agreement. Once you create the management fee, you will see the transaction populate in the Preview Statement tab.
Manually Creating the Owner Distribution/Contribution
To manually create the owner distribution/contribution transaction, we can follow similar steps above:
- Click on the "Preview Statement" tab
- Click on the blue Apply button and select Owner Distribution
- Check on the breakdown of money owed by property and click Create Transactions
- Once the owner distribution is created, you must mark the transaction as paid to reflect money being sent or received by the owner. Click on the Transactions tab, find the owner distribution transaction you just created, and mark it as paid.
Turning on automation for management fees and owner distribution/contribution
Creating the management fees and owner distribution transactions don't have to be manual processes! You have the ability to set what day of the month you would like them to get created automatically by clicking on the automation tab. Turn on each process you would like to be automated for you and click edit for a more detailed view of how you can customize your owner agreements!
For a detailed explanation on the automation of ManageCasa's property management terms, check out this article.
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